
roguespectre67 t1_j9crwhd wrote

Buddyroll, this is the way it works now. I was recently laid off, but I could see it coming and have been looking for a new job for maybe 6 months. One place put me through 2 rounds of phone interviews and about 4 hours of in-person interviews over the course of a day. Thought I did pretty well. Never even got a "thanks, but no thanks".

Another place I'm interviewing with right now has already put me through 3 rounds of interviews with the last one being almost 3 weeks ago, despite being contacted directly by a recruiter, and when I sent them an email checking in to see if I was still being considered, they basically said that yes I was but that the person I spoke to last had other interviews to finish and that there had been scheduling conflicts with the other candidates, so they'd check in with me when they knew whether I'd advanced to the 4th and final round.

I can't even begin to tell you how many applications I've sent out over the past 4 years or so since I've graduated college that have had no response. Hundreds and hundreds of them. Despite many of them having tailored resumes and/or cover letters.


roguespectre67 t1_istktyb wrote



Sabaton (fight me)

Ghost (fight me)

Follow the Cipher

Brothers of Metal

Occasional Amon Amarth

Whatever Ola Englund is writing




Ad Infinitum

Blind Guardian

Orden Ogan


Honorable mentions:

Battle Beast (Finnish)

Beast in Black (Finnish)

Nightwish (Finnish)

Epica (Dutch)

Within Temptation (Dutch)

Gojira (French)

Unleash the Archers (Canadian)


roguespectre67 t1_isri2yw wrote

This was one of the things they always bitch at me about. I usually have some kind of thing playing at my desk-music, a Youtube video, something to relieve the tedium of sitting there doing paperwork and answering phone calls and emails. Usually have my headphones on because nobody else in the office has the same interests as me and I don't want to make the 8 middle-aged Hispanic women out of the 11 staff we have listen to the Swedish and German metal bands I like. First it was "Fine, just get your work done." Then it was "We don't mind if we hear that, just don't use your headphones because you might miss the doorbell." Odd, considering that my office is about half the building away from the door and we have two people with offices on either side of the door who can answer it. Now it's "When you have your headphones on it looks like you're not working. Please don't use your headphones at your desk." This is despite the fact that I currently do the work of about 4 people including a hefty amount of what should be my boss' work that he's either too lazy or too apathetic to do. How do I know this? Because last week while he was on vacation we found months of backlogged paperwork stuffed in drawers and in intermixed piles all over the office, as well as the fact that he had over 300 unread emails from clients trying to get ahold of him.

But sure, bitch at me about being considerate and wearing headphones while I'm working.