
rolyfuckingdiscopoly t1_jeb50ig wrote

Huh ok interesting. So if I’m speaking more formally and using words like antithetical and constituency, it’s harder for a computer to imitate than if I’m feeling more informal and saying things like “idk I can’t see it fsr but that’s cool tho”,? Is that correct? I’m interested why that would be; I know nothing about that type of thing. You’re also not required to explain; this is just a shower thought not “write a 5-paragraph essay”. I’m just curious.


rolyfuckingdiscopoly t1_jbsbd9o wrote

An interesting question is: why does the truth have to be immediately useful? Why would it be that truth must benefit you, or me, or any of us?

And- if it must be useful— is it not useful to have an idea, an inexact but working model, of the way the world exists independent of ourselves?


rolyfuckingdiscopoly t1_jbijiar wrote

A truth that can never be known, though, is an assumption. The inability of you or me to know something to be true does not mean that another human, or another creature of a different kind, cannot know it. I think dismissing the value of truth “because we cannot know it”, and presuming it inaccessible, is kind of a reach.


rolyfuckingdiscopoly t1_j9r4csn wrote

That’s so interesting! I love things like that. Language is so cool. Also words that look or sound like one you know in your language but aren’t related… I forget the term for them. But like avocat in French not being avocado lol. My Arabic teacher called them “false friends,” and I think it’s fun to try to trace connections to them anyway.