roshowclassic t1_jea122x wrote
Reply to comment by Clean_Command_4897 in How are you liking Season 3 of The Mandalorian so far? by esran7
Preach. Everything you just said times a million.
roshowclassic t1_jea0bep wrote
This show is awesome but not as deep as y’all have convinced yourself it was between seasons 2 and 3. That’s why you feel a dip in quality. Check your expectations against reality. It’s a fun weekly adventure show. Always has been. Still is.
roshowclassic t1_jcvug4g wrote
Reply to comment by Paperfoldingfractal in What’s your favorite time-loop / “Groundhog Day” episode of a TV show? by wet_bandits23
You’re correct but I thought it counted enough as one in spirit to throw it on the list!
roshowclassic t1_jcvj30v wrote
Reply to comment by CharlieGnarlyFace in What’s your favorite time-loop / “Groundhog Day” episode of a TV show? by wet_bandits23
This episode was GREAT.
roshowclassic t1_jcus4nb wrote
Doctor Who (series 9, Heaven Sent). 12 Monkeys. Also the new Quantum Leap just did an great time loop episode.
Edit: kept messing up the DW episode title, sigh
roshowclassic t1_j9mg2is wrote
Now can they pull energy out of me sitting on the couch
roshowclassic t1_j9bf1rm wrote
Yea, probably. Aging makes us all less sharp at some point.
roshowclassic t1_j2ftc2p wrote
Reply to Are there any movies with a lot of interference from the studio/suits that didn't end up being terrible or were actually good/great by Menace117
Every movie has studio notes to some degree.
roshowclassic t1_j2dvqmj wrote
Reply to Rewatched Justice League Snyder Cut: Amazon lady too strong but died with horse on top? by buffmarkk
Are you telling me Zack Snyder movies are inconsistent and nonsensical?
roshowclassic t1_j27iv53 wrote
Reply to comment by Professional-Rip-519 in Do you consider Batman Forever as a sequel or reboot? by Professional-Rip-519
Not necessarily. It could be a parallel timeline where only the first two movies are canon.
roshowclassic t1_j27h7m3 wrote
Definitely a sequel.
roshowclassic t1_j27ctxl wrote
Reply to Do practical effects really have a future? by [deleted]
You really out-jerked r/moviescirclejerk this time
roshowclassic t1_jea7v92 wrote
Reply to comment by KiritoJones in How are you liking Season 3 of The Mandalorian so far? by esran7
You really thought the “goal” was a primary thing the first two seasons and not secondary to the weekly adventures? It was totally unnecessary. The show suffers no dip in quality from not having a secondary ongoing plot.