
rostov007 t1_jdhqeij wrote

> Obvious overstatement on that last sentence…I’ll not even address that part further.

That’s hyperbole to you pal. /s

As for the rest of your response, I should state again that I was on a public vip tour. How much can I glean from standing next to it that Space X or any other competitor couldn’t get from available photos? Or for that matter, couldn’t a Space X employee just take a public tour and steal all their IP? It’s nonsensical.


rostov007 t1_jdgby4f wrote

I saw the Starliner trainer during tests at Johnson SC during a tour and Boeing was flipping their shit about us being there. Unnaturally skittish and secretive for a project that is over budget, long-delayed, and rife with issues.

I mean, thanks for Apollo but don’t act like you’ve discovered perpetual motion or anything, jeez.