
rspoon18 t1_j6ge9pw wrote

Au contraire, "communication speed" absolutely is an issue. IT is the payload size("amount of data") that is not an issue. Communication speed (data transmission Round Trip Time aka RTT) doesn't change based on payload size - it is a constant based on the laws of physics.

A RTT across the continental US will take minimally 70-80 ms (plus remote processing time, which is the actual time hog since database lookups are S-L-O-W compared to data transmission) whether you send a single 64-byte packet or thousands of 1500-byte packets (to be more precise the larger packets take slightly longer in parts of the network that are not packet switched, but the difference is on the order of a few milliseconds, unperceiveable by humans).

See what /u/saywherefore said above for the most likely explanation based on actual response times.
