
runsanditspaidfor t1_j2c4nz2 wrote

Looking - what about asking? I don't know what your relationship is with your boss, but if the company is doing well see if they could get you to 38 or 40. Three years ago I would've said go. I now have two kids and I understand the value of the flexibility and familiarity you have with your employer. That kind of thing means a lot. At a certain point, time with your young children is more valuable than any amount of money. It seems like your family is doing well. Your basic needs are met, and then some. In a couple of years childcare will come down if you're in public schools. Renovate then, perhaps. I understand the burdens of childcare all too well. Planning to redirect some that money to 529s when the time comes. Best of luck to you, I love the idea of living in that area of the country. It seems like an idyllic life.