
s8018572 t1_j9se446 wrote

Lul, so you didn't even know the problem which is he started the war. Are you consider there's something like justified invasion war? Especially it's quite weak reason to do it.

American left the peninsula before Korean war so that's why Stalin approved Kim's action.

If invasion was successed, there would be a huge politicial purge and dissident.

Do you think there's no purge after CCP win the Chinese civil war?

North Korean people are starving to death today. And you're crying south didn't have strong union power.

There isn't much of crime evidence of early north korean election because North Korea still a dictatorship.There's no one could enter the border to investigate it.

I don't know. You keep avoiding the thing is Kim is a dictator too. At least South was a democracy now, they democratized with June Democracy Movement in 1987.

The demonstrations made by mass of people, unlike north Korea, did have even have a demonstration? Oops, I guess not. The mass of north Korean people couldn't have demonstration because of their government's totalitarian dictatorship ,not because they lived in heaven.

Are you sure you have your number right? U.S. dropped 1.6 million tons in the European theater, and they dropped 635,000 tons in Entire Korean war.( So naturally it included south Korean's territory)

South received aid from American, north did received aid from China and Soviet too.


s8018572 t1_j9qnjgj wrote

What authority? Military occupation authority? Soviet even directly rejected UN's proposal. There's nothing can be done at the moment.

Talk about dictator, you know Kim Il-sung a dictator too,right?

Millions of death or exile cause he want to "unify" Korea by war. He wants to be another Mao as he won the Chinese civil war. Do you know he purged the leadership of southern communist after PLA retake Pyongyang for him? And then he purged pro-soviet and pro-sino members to make his Kim dynasty.He called them spy from the south lul.

Both dictator was shit,but guess what? South nowaday is better than north thousands time. And south is not a dictatorship anymore.

Even if US want to consult with PRK, do you think PRK wouldn't listen to Soviet?


s8018572 t1_j9qhdpx wrote


You could check this, it's a natural development of cold war.Joint Commission fail to make progress. US rejected soviet's proposal.And Soviet rejected UN's proposal. With us withdrawed their troop from south Korea. North Korea decided to attack with Stalin's approved.


s8018572 t1_j3hbqzd wrote

Reply to comment by Dragozan in A Back-alley Encounter by Meowmarlade

Four word is in kanji Character system indeed.But I think it's Simplified Chinese in the usage way.

貓膩/猫膩 is word to describe something suspicious in Chinese. Whole sentence mean "something suspicious in there."