
saigonk t1_j1q52da wrote

3200 square feet, I go through a tank from November to around March. House is ten years old, colonial 2x6 construction with spray in foam insulation everywhere, which is huge.

Basement is a home theater space, keep it at 60 all the time unless we plan to be down there or if we have visitors sleeping there.

First floor set to 68, goes down to 60 at 10pm until around 7am.

Upstairs is set to 69 from 6-8am, then down to 60 until around 8pm, when it’s set to 65 for an hour and a half to warm bedrooms before sleeping, then it drops back to 60.

Hot water is from our furnace, I’m sure we could use less if I separated that but it isn’t a major concern.


saigonk t1_ix5fmvz wrote

So Maine has an implied access law, if land isn't posted then it is open for you to access and hunt on.

Now with that said, I always, and I mean ALWAYS ask landowners if I can access their land for hunting.

It is a much better way to go about it. In my case I have two spots I can hunt, one (75 acres) the landowner asked me to fully post for them so that myself and a friend are the only ones hunting there, and another in an adjoining town I have a 50 acre lot surrounded on three sides by large plots.

That land owner was so happy I asked to get access, that he said if I see anyone else...tell them to get lost. its mine to hunt as I see fit.

Now I wouldn't kick someone out, it isn't posted and that's just a dick move in my mind, so I would tell them to go see the landowner, or work with me to hunt it so that we both can be successful.

Look up GIS maps in your area, find large lots and reach out tot he owners of the land and ask them for access.


saigonk t1_iw7s9xb wrote

Reply to comment by ScarletFire21 in Salary in So. Maine by [deleted]

I know this sounds harsh, but move to mass or NY then if you want to make that kind of money. My point is I dont think you'll find that here in Maine, most courses aren't setup fiscally to support such a high salary.

Maybe Falmouth County Club, etc. but most local courses run tight on money.
Not to say that you shouldn't ask for more, if you feel you are worth it, then point it out and ask.


saigonk t1_iw7elag wrote

Where do you work and what is your job? That's an important detail in order to judge if you are spot on, or far off.


saigonk t1_iuj2wvn wrote

Reply to comment by ozzie286 in In the Maine News? by SobeysBags

Well, if the gun was "gifted" to the shooter and he wasn't a US Citizen then the person who did so is in violation of federal law and should be punished. That is unless the receiving person who is not a citizen possessed a valid hunting license, in which case he/she can possess that firearm.

He admitted to it directly, yet here we are with nothing happening. Also, I suspect the "he stole the other two" line isn't sitting well with the RCMP as they probably dont believe him.


saigonk t1_iufrvs8 wrote

And? I know there's this big "anyone who is in any photo or near Epstein must be involved or themselves exploiting" but honestly when you are that rich, you tend to run in circles with other famous people.

it would not be unusual for these individuals to meet someone, get a phot, and have no other connection,. And before it is mentioned, you could certainly travel on his jet without having been part of his other activities.

im not saying I would rule it out, but lets be 100% transparent about it all.