MrsMurphysChowder t1_je88kfc wrote
Reply to Death with dignity by Avocadoexpresss
Yes please. My father is dying of dementia rn. His healthy hulk of a body is taking its sweet time shutting down, but he's in pain, confused, sad. He barely even wakes up anymore but when he does it's to gasp in pain. I can't do anything for him, but I do not want to go through it myself when my time comes.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_jdppgdu wrote
Reply to comment by fauxfox66 in "Potato" chips vs Potato chips by Doctuh
What a cool story! And thanks for that explanation. I love potato chips, they are calming to my ibs, (guys, read about resistant starch) but can't have stuff like Pringles because they use gluten. I will have to look for your family's chip brand. I am a Maine business owner, too, and like to support other small businesses.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_jdgsphc wrote
Reply to Biden designates area sacred to tribes as largest national monument of his presidency by citytiger
Yes! Dark Brandon strikes again!!
MrsMurphysChowder t1_jd64n2z wrote
Reply to To Ky1e: by FuzzAldrin36
And in quick time, too! I barely even knew there was an issue before it was resolved. Good work.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_ja5ff9i wrote
Reply to comment by MMAwannabe in New research establishes a link between irritable bowel syndrome and mental health challenges, such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation by thebelsnickle1991
As someone who is in an inexplicable flare, rn, after having had it under control, any aspect of it is depressing.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j9xx020 wrote
Might have something to do with this "National Day of Hate" and the recent racist graffiti.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j99n6qb wrote
Reply to Best oddity shops in Maine by RestingBitchFacee
I downtown Farmington on Broadway across from Renys there's a store called The Sensei Side. Next to that there used to be this great little "antique" shop that had all kinds of curios. I don't see it on Google Maps, so they may not have survived. But, there's Farmington Thrift Store which is also cool. While you're there, have a craft beer at Tucks Tavern.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j901mis wrote
Reply to A new place to call home by payter_m8r
Rehoboth is still quite rural and affordable, and you're near XFinity center, a concert venue, and near Providence, RI. I agree with others that you should have a job lined up before coming if you want to stay in teaching.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j7ztjhc wrote
Reply to comment by Dreizen13 in I have a week off next week. I live in Eastern MA. How can I take advantage of this? by the_ok_seltzer
Oh yeah, it's otters at New England Aquarium.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j7zbi0e wrote
Reply to I have a week off next week. I live in Eastern MA. How can I take advantage of this? by the_ok_seltzer
Woods hole Oceanographic museum has a great aquarium with a touch tank, and sea otters outside. Beebe Woods is a nice little hike.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j7uyqv8 wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Despite concerns as temperatures plummeted last weekend, officials say dogs in Somerset County are fine by benpinette
I agree that everyone, including the owner, the town officials, the SPCA, the reporter, and PETA, have all failed these dogs. Just trying to see a way forward that gets the owner invested in change rather than getting his back up.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j7uwu4l wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Despite concerns as temperatures plummeted last weekend, officials say dogs in Somerset County are fine by benpinette
Well, agreed. But if he already had the dogs before he was disabled I can see that it would be hard to part with them. I mean he could be lying completely and not be disabled and not really think his dogs are his babies, or he could have just fallen into an unmanageable situation and feel unable to ask for help.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j7ul7b6 wrote
Reply to Despite concerns as temperatures plummeted last weekend, officials say dogs in Somerset County are fine by benpinette
You did a great job calling them all out in the comments. Time to rally the neighbors in the immediate area, and possibly offer the guy help cleaning up his property and adopting out some of the dogs? The article says he's disabled so I'm thinking 2 things might be factoring into his inability/unwillingness to properly care for these dogs he calls his babies:
- Perhaps he relies on the sale of the dogs for part of his income, and is too proud to ask for financial help or is not eligible for financial help.
- Perhaps his disability prevents him from doing the labor required for proper care of the dogs and he does not have anyone to help him. I don't know the guy personally, I am just conjecturing, however I am disabled and unable to work and yet do not qualify for any assistance so I can see how that might be an issue for someone else as well. I am definitely not defending leaving dogs out in Sub-Zero temperatures, but I always try to look at situations from a kind perspective. This article is the first I've seen mention of his disability.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j5lc8yn wrote
Reply to Traffic SUCKS! by DrBiochemistry
Stay safe.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j5gvwkk wrote
Reply to comment by badhmorrigan in Despicable by KermitThrush
See my comment later in the thread, I had worse plans for that, lol.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j5gkd2i wrote
Reply to Despicable by KermitThrush
How about if I use the superior strength of my 380 and shoot this waste of human life right in the dick, point blank, so he won't ever be able to act on his words? Oh yah, and then in the mouth so he'll stfu but, I'd wanna hear him scream first.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j5gjvjf wrote
Reply to comment by _Face in Despicable by KermitThrush
In the throat.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j4p9mw8 wrote
Reply to comment by pro_auto_advisors in Is there a word for out-of-staters who don’t know how to drive in the snow? by cbandes
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j4l6zkd wrote
Reply to LPT Request: How to ensure that a person doesn't use my personal belongings while staying at my place? by [deleted]
No one I don't know well and trust would ever be allowed to stay in my home if I wasn't going to be there. Back out of this offer, OP. You don't owe the sacrifice of your security and peace of mind to anyone.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j4kdegm wrote
If you're friend or family, ya come upta the house through the dooryahd. If you're not friend or family, go away.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j4cabil wrote
Reply to comment by biggestofbears in Homeless in Maine, part 2: Struggling to survive even with a paying job by benpinette
But if he made that little and WASN'T a drug addict, he'd be a much better prospect as a roommate.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j3wi8nl wrote
Reply to comment by Bobbydadude01 in Mass. leaders are eyeing free community college — at least for some residents by SAT0725
Agreed. It should also extend to voc-tech schools continuing ed programs. People who have gotten degrees sometimes find that career isn't working, or has dried up and need to switch gears. Older people looking for a job that will carry them through "retirement" could make themselves more attractive to potential employers by getting a second degree. A more fluid job market and better prepared workers could increase fair wages and better hiring practices.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j2fjj87 wrote
Reply to comment by thisoldmould in Do nerve endings closer to the brain / spinal cord take less time to transmit signals because there is less distance to travel? by ssinatra3
This is why when you whack your shin, rubbing the skin dulls the pain. It is also why mentholated muscle rubs, and TENS units work.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_j29agoj wrote
Reply to Moving to Massachusetts next summer. by pastywhiterunner
The waterfalls of the Berkshires can't be missed. Lots of really great State Parks.
MrsMurphysChowder t1_je8r9hz wrote
Reply to comment by Avocadoexpresss in Death with dignity by Avocadoexpresss
Ty. It's mostly terrible to see him struggle but a kind of amusing thing happened the other day. He doesn't recognize us but i think he knows he can be honest with me, but has to put on a brave face for my mom. He rarely says anything intelligible anymore but when I arrived to see him hunched up in the bed, with his sheet balled up in his hands, and a pained expression on his face, I said, hey dad, how you doin? And my dad who never swore a day in his life in front of the family, looked me right in the eye and said, "I don't know what the fuck is going on!" I had to bite my cheek to keep from laughing as I helped him get sorted out.