sakredfire t1_j6jag2p wrote
Reply to comment by Specific_Main3824 in Scientists lower price of lithium's best competition - flow batteries - by 20%. Makes the battery effectively equal to or cheaper than lithium ion when spread over 30 years (flow battery lifetimes are effectively infinite with light repowering efforts). by PorkyPigDid911
The classic Nokia phone used a 25g battery with 1100mAh of capacity. It would fully charge within 3 hours.
The iPhone 14 uses a battery with 3200mah of capacity that fully charged within 2 hours
sakredfire t1_j3ft35q wrote
The cdec website is great and has all sorts of visualizations like these. California data exchange center - google it, highly recommended
sakredfire t1_j6jujwt wrote
Reply to comment by Spiffydude98 in Scientists lower price of lithium's best competition - flow batteries - by 20%. Makes the battery effectively equal to or cheaper than lithium ion when spread over 30 years (flow battery lifetimes are effectively infinite with light repowering efforts). by PorkyPigDid911
You can still get them! And they weren’t overly complicated so of course they are robust