
salgak t1_j9b8xf0 wrote

(resisting urge to link Tom Lehrer's 'Don't Cry Mom, I'm off to Drop the Bomb' )

We kind of assumed that we would get a sufficient radiation dose to kill us off within a month of the mission. They were all one way trips, with a supposed recovery base on the far side. None of us expected those bases to survive long enough for us to land there afterwards.

I will also note that the more cynical of us noted that there were never more than two bachelors per crew, giving a majority of the crew who had just had their wives and children nuked, and wanting revenge.


salgak t1_j9a2nzw wrote

Former SAC B-52 Crewdawg here. (Electronic Warfare Officer/Navigator)

For a launch of the Alert Force, the Bombers and Tankers already fully loaded and fueled and armed (we referred to is as "cocked", as in cocking a pistol action), we were briefed to assume that we were in a race to beat the SLBMs to our bomber bases. . . The higher tensions got, the farther forward on the checklists we were, from running out from the alert facility and starting the engines, all the way up to sitting at the end of the runway with the engines going, waiting for the order. . .

So, yes, we expected nuclear explosions in the vicinity on takeoff. Even the guys in back ( EW Officer and Gunner) and the guys downstairs (Radar Navigator and Navigator) were supposed to don an eye patch as a last-ditch vision preservative. ..