
sallystruthersfarts t1_j9kog2a wrote

You can pull information from/on them using Freedom Of Information Act if it’s to your benefit.

Make sure it’s certified mail because they’ll lie that they never received it, they’ll delay, they’ll obfuscate - they don’t play by rules and they have zero integrity. They’ll fight you against any FOIA execution. When they do just show up with a paper trail to let the judge know and you’ll be covered. It’s your right and the case will be delayed until they fulfill that for you.

Generally not useful for petty speeding tickets but sometimes you can get them on their lies using this and / or delay the case if it helps. Still have to go into court with a valid reason to delay; usually the pigs lying and obfuscating against certified mail will cover you for that


sallystruthersfarts t1_j9kl80t wrote

OP u/showeralarmed5903 don’t listen to this person trying to blame you 🙄 they’re clearly already bent over if they’re trusting a pig’s word over yours.

you fight every single ticket you get and if you don’t you’re just letting them walk all over you

First, document it all and get pictures. If you go to court print it all out. It shows you’re serious and not fucking around. More importantly it helps the magistrate understand your case.

Make those pigs work if they’re going to saddle their budget woes on you undeservedly

You go, do the magistrate step, and you appeal it again to force them into court and they likely never show up (note: Pandemic may allow the pigs to remote in to your court date, not sure but others stated that in this thread). You get the case dismissed if they don’t show up, or at least that’s how it was pre Covid. If they do show up and you put half an ounce of effort into it you’ll get the ticket reduced or waived usually.

This is how the legal system works. It’s not a justice system. You’re guilty until you put forth effort to prove innocence against some likely tub of lard overtime scammer / govt welfare milker cop because their word takes precedence over your presumed innocence until you fight it

Otherwise enjoy your thousands of dollars in increased insurance premium for 7 years

Good luck

Ps don’t waste money on a lawyer unless it is to your convenience. Generally not necessary for petty tickets like this
