
salmonlikethephish t1_j6f9vw7 wrote

Could you slowly drip it into your council bin collection? I've got rid of quite a lot of stuff by adding a bit into my black bin over the course of time.

As a bonus it forces you to cut down on other waste to leave a bit of room for the "extras".


salmonlikethephish t1_j20nsta wrote

We remodelled our fairly large kitchen which required a few pieces of worktop including a join. We hired a specialist work surface company who gave us great advice on exactly where to cut/join and they used really experienced installers. They were half the price of the surface quoted by the kitchen company.

The joins were visible, but you didn’t really see them and they made no visual impact on the kitchen.

FYI one piece of advice we got is don’t join a surface at the sink, as it’s much more likely to eventually leak. Place the join to one side.