samgarrison t1_jcuea2r wrote
My Sims would murder me in a horrific way if I were ever in the game. Cuz that's what I do to them.
samgarrison t1_iukbjo3 wrote
Eh? But...everyone eats grits. Doesn't matter the race. It's just a normal breakfast food around here. Put in some sugar and butter, enjoy the delicious grits!
samgarrison t1_iukb2a3 wrote
Uh. Use a different language? Hopefully one they only understand a little. So they get the point but not the rudeness.
No me importa. That's a simple Spanish phrase.
samgarrison t1_jegzgrf wrote
Reply to What movie adaptation goes against the grain of “the book was better”? by Normal-Schedule6103
Shrek. The movies have almost nothing in common with the small children's book it's based on.