sandiercy t1_je01xdx wrote
I can assure you that they do. Not as much as most people but they still get caught up in traffic jams and the like.
sandiercy t1_j6mbfco wrote
Reply to The American aisle in French store by cheesecakecaramel
I am looking at the items then realized I could see Marmite, Maple Syrup, Jaffa Cakes, and Cadbury chocolate. Where the heck did they find their sources for American food??
sandiercy t1_j6heh6o wrote
Where I live, we have a bunch of straight roads, we also have areas where it is literally impossible to build roads so we have to go around (things like mountains or bogs). Coastlines also make it nearly impossible to have a straight road.
sandiercy t1_iwc6tfs wrote
Reply to comment by DavvenGarick in Why do most MCU movies have the villain just be an evil version of the main hero in the first film? by Average_Ant_Games
I love that movie so much.
sandiercy t1_iwc6jgq wrote
Reply to comment by Asha_Brea in Why do most MCU movies have the villain just be an evil version of the main hero in the first film? by Average_Ant_Games
Not to mention The Eternals movie and The Avengers, Loki was definitely not similar to the Avengers.
sandiercy t1_iwc63nk wrote
Reply to comment by Average_Ant_Games in Why do most MCU movies have the villain just be an evil version of the main hero in the first film? by Average_Ant_Games
So, which one was like Thanos?
sandiercy t1_iwc5nhb wrote
Reply to Why do most MCU movies have the villain just be an evil version of the main hero in the first film? by Average_Ant_Games
But not true in the Thor movies, Spiderman movies, Civil War, The 2 Infinity Wars movies, Ultron, etc.
sandiercy t1_jedsfs0 wrote
Reply to [OC] Waggles Double G and Rigby the Bean. by Namarrkun
They could almost be siblings if they weren't 2 different types of animal.