savedposts456 t1_j73gchg wrote
Reply to comment by Iffykindofguy in Future of The Lower and Middle Class Post-Singularity, and Why You Should Worry. by ttylyl
Exactly. A UBI would be cheaper for the elites than dealing with widespread violent chaos. There’s some famous quote that says something like people are only 3 missed meals away from violence.
savedposts456 t1_j2a9rc0 wrote
Reply to comment by No_Opposite_4334 in R/FUTUROLOGY 2023 PREDICTION COMPETITION & pick last year's winner by lughnasadh
Great predictions about Optimus and Starship. Those are the tech advances I’m most excited about (besides Helion).
savedposts456 t1_j1vpxgn wrote
Reply to comment by Insane_Artist in Considering the recent advancements in AI, is it possible to achieve full-dive in the next 5-10 years? by Burlito2
It would still be totally worth it.
savedposts456 t1_j18wf6e wrote
Reply to comment by JVM_ in Are we already in the midst of a singularity? by oldmanhero
That’s a pretty good breakdown. I’m hoping the elites implement a UBI to prevent societal collapse. It would be a lot easier than managing a self sufficient bunker and defending against endless waves of kill bots.
savedposts456 t1_iz0ytup wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Google says they have made a significant advance in allowing humans to communicate with robots using natural language, and claim an "order of magnitude" increase in capabilities over previous approaches. by lughnasadh
Yes and half of people are below the median and half are above. You just defined one cherry picked statistics related word. That means nothing.
savedposts456 t1_iyru2iw wrote
I’m not giving you an email address.
savedposts456 t1_iyeslvc wrote
Reply to Government Scientists ‘Approaching What is Required for Fusion’ in Breakthrough Energy Research by Gari_305
These NIF experiments are a dead end. I think either commonwealth fusion or helion will be the first to demonstrate net energy gain with fusion.
savedposts456 t1_iy8cv5j wrote
Reply to comment by musing2020 in How should the society - right now - adapt to the AI boom? by reviedox
One of the few things the elites fear is widespread violence breaking out. If it becomes apparent that 50% of the population may miss a few meals and start tearing everything down, they may be willing to start a UBI. Maybe. We’ll see.
savedposts456 t1_is5he3x wrote
Reply to comment by goallthewaydude in Rise of delivery robots leaves drivers fearful of job losses | Context by el_gee
I hope they choose a UBI instead of a more deadly pandemic.
savedposts456 t1_j8isobq wrote
Reply to comment by SoylentRox in Anthropic's Jack Clark on AI progress by Impressive-Injury-91
Exactly. Attention is All You Need.