
sbayz92 OP t1_iugrcmp wrote

True, but this is a small tourist town and the guy has been in business for 27 years. Being the only one in town. He’s very well recommended by even the locals. And the certificate has his tax ID on it. I’m quite certain it was not imported in from another country. If he pulled this type of stuff the shop wouldn’t have such high ratings and recommendations.


sbayz92 OP t1_iuelrjq wrote

Nice! Although I would find it hard to believe that yours is hand made natural died 100% wool made in Turkey for that price (with import, shipping costs,etc). Unless you bought a few decades ago?

But then again, I know very little about Turkish rugs.


sbayz92 OP t1_iuegipt wrote

Lol I didn’t have tea with them. We chatted about my hometown for while and a local coffee shop there. Wasn’t concerned with getting the cheapest price possible just wanted to make sure I paid a fairly good price because I don’t have any prior experience with Turkish rugs.


sbayz92 OP t1_iuebob5 wrote

Thanks so much for your input!

Can you explain why I see hand made Turkish rugs on Etsy for cheaper? I’m not sure if they are used condition or what but surprised to see so even with being shipped to America. Perhaps I am missing an important detail.

For cleaning, could just a gentle sensitive laundry detergent with a hose work once every few months and hang dry in sun?


sbayz92 OP t1_iudx1os wrote

You yourself posted a very similar post asking about fair prices:

“[Pricing] Questions about my first SXS purchase”

Anyways, I think you have my intentions wrong.

Simply just like to know if I paid a fair value price. Same questions you asked on your post.


sbayz92 OP t1_iudtnc3 wrote

I didn’t because I didn’t feel the need to. I don’t always like to haggle down prices and pay the cheapest price possible, especially if I like the shop owner and feel they are a good person. He also claimed he was giving a cheaper price than he asks in peak season.

I am more inclined to haggle down prices if there is an aggressive shop owner trying to sell me something and asks an outrageous price. In that case, I will haggle for sure haha

I just went in to the shop knowing that hand made Turkish rugs in the States usually cost double this price or more (or at least I think so) so I felt it was pretty fair.


sbayz92 OP t1_iudt2i6 wrote

Thank you! Valid point! Honestly I didn’t even try to bargain the price down and just paid what the shop owner asked, because he was a very cool guy and it was the last day of the year open. He claimed he sells for much higher in peak tourist season so I was ok with the price. I’m more just curious if the price I paid is roughly the going rate.


sbayz92 OP t1_iudsiym wrote

I’m sorry it feels that way to you but it’s actually quite the opposite.

I mentioned a few times that I just want to know if this is the normal going price range in Turkey.

I like to know the value of things I own. Especially since this will likely be kept for my entire life.

Some locals even mentioned to me I might have overpaid a little bit. If that is true, I am totally ok with that. Extra money to the shop owner who was a cool guy.

Additionally, usually in Turkey you buy from rug shops that sell rugs made by various artisans. I didn’t buy directly from the artisan so no matter the price I paid, they were already paid what they got.