sbwithreason t1_jdxxfaz wrote
I am both allergic to them and reminded of what is missing in my life
Ahh spring
sbwithreason t1_j97c6xp wrote
Reply to Tips for driving in Baltimore at night by AnAngryTubby
I drive to soundstage all the time and park in the garage there. You’ll be fine don’t worry about it
sbwithreason t1_j2pcfl2 wrote
Reply to Found an abandoned 7 month old kitten by the harbor. Now she’s 3 years old and living her best life by the_balticat
Can't believe anyone would abandon such a sweet, beautiful baby. Thank you for being her forever family!
sbwithreason t1_j1bn1n1 wrote
Reply to comment by good_fox_bad_wolf in Traffic warning: Flash freeze around noon tomorrow after tons of rain by YoYoMoMa
It’s going to drop in temperature so quickly that the ground, which will be wet from the continuous rain, will almost instantly freeze into dangerously icy conditions…. And it will be so cold that none of that will melt without treatment
sbwithreason t1_j0i6src wrote
Reply to comment by jabbadarth in Why isn't there red light cameras on every single intersection? by canipetyourdog420
I’m on board for better road design. Don’t see how police watching for traffic violations is any less dystopian than cameras though
sbwithreason t1_j0hgai8 wrote
For people who are against this because it's dystopian or won't help enough, what is your alternate solution for the dangerous/illegal driving behaviors that are constantly occurring around here? Or are we meant to just lie down and take it?
sbwithreason t1_iux4yp1 wrote
Reply to Best Spots for Lunch & Dinner in Columbia - Baltimore City Residents Edition by scr0tesque
Not Columbia proper, but Ananda
sbwithreason t1_jdy91jh wrote
Reply to comment by bmore_conslutant in To those who decided to plant Bradford Pears around the city by _Asparagus_
Thank you for the support