schadenfreudey t1_j9wj03b wrote
Reply to comment by lucia-pacciola in What is the best or your favorite rags to riches movie? by XenomorphXx121
Did he come from riches though? I don’t think that is ever established. Mondego was rich and his best friend so I can see where that assumption would exist.
schadenfreudey t1_j9w2mj4 wrote
Reply to comment by XenomorphXx121 in What is the best or your favorite rags to riches movie? by XenomorphXx121
The Jim Caviezel one is my favorite.
schadenfreudey t1_j9w0kga wrote
The Count of Monte Cristo
schadenfreudey t1_ja9jamh wrote
Reply to Lechon Burger by keysinunez
I want this