
scoutydouty t1_jc2n9o5 wrote

It's a bit of speculation. I was at the show that happened before they cancelled the subsequent shows, and the hosts of the evening were extremely late, like almost an hour late. Maybe they got fired because of that but I'm not sure.

In any event, its confirmed that 2 people were fired, other performers thought it was unfair and resigned out of solidarity with the fired. So they canceled the rest of the shows.


scoutydouty OP t1_jbtp693 wrote

Sorry, I didn't really describe the situation in great detail. That rottie was thrashing around on the ground with the puppy, snapping at it everywhere, snapping at the mom and kid when they tried to intervene. The image that stuck out in my head when I wrote this was the rottie chomping on the puppy's tail and the puppy jumped in the air with the whites of it's eyes showing, screaming. Never heard a dog scream before.

When the little kid was punching the rottie to try and get it off the pup the rottie like, ass-slammed the kid and he fell backwards. The dogs were running circles around both people and the kid was definitely in the middle of it, can't tell if kid got but or not but that rottie didn't give a hoot who was in its path and that's terrifying.

A kid, probably only 4-5 years old being smack in the middle of a dog attack counts as almost being killed in my opinion. The rottie was bigger than the child and definitely mowed the kid over a few times.


scoutydouty OP t1_jbto9ls wrote

I will happily look at statistics of other breeds and still find that rotties and pitties literally have a disproportionate amount of fatal bites, more than all other breeds combined.

Sure, any dog can bite. But not every dog does it at the same rate. People love to argue it's how they're raised, but I just feel like if that's the case, maybe they shouldn't be allowed to raise those dogs. Maybe those breeds should be banned or require a special license to own, like you must attend dog training classes and dog passes a temperament test or something.

Besides the argument of nature vs. nurture is easily swayed towards nature when you see how a breed with no training will still perform its bred traits. A point dog will point without learning, an Australian Shepard will try and herd its owners without prompt. Breeds are known to be high energy, low energy, have specific behaviors you must train out of them. Not every dog is the same.

I don't hate pitties or rotties, but I strongly believe they shouldn't be family dogs around kids. How many kids gotta get disproportionately mauled before people stop going the "tHeYrE jUsT mIsUnDeRsToOd PiBbLeS"? Or "tHeY wErE nAnNy DoGs?" They were also bred to be fighting dogs for years. And they kill more people than any other breed. Like it's literally a fact.


scoutydouty t1_j9bj92v wrote

The center of the city has the Stadium Theatre if you'd like to see some decent shows. There's also many restaurants. Not sure about vegan options however.

The museum of work and culture is pretty interesting on the history of the area.

The Blackstone bike path has a few separate entrances, the one I usually explore is Hamlet Ave entrance.

If you go into the woods behind St. Joseph's Veteran's Association on Louise St, you will find some relatively undisturbed woods by the river.

South Main St has some stunning Victorian Era houses to admire.

There are many parks to visit. I like Globe Park, Cold Spring Park, and Cass Park personally.

There's Aero Trampoline Park, a couple of decent thrift stores.

I personally wouldn't recommend Chan's as everyone else has. My best friend worked there and he claims the roach problem is extremely bad. I wouldn't touch that place with a 10 foot pole, the owner, John Chan, is in corrupt cahoots with the local government to pass health inspections he should NOT be passing.