
screwycurves t1_je1944n wrote

First, I voted for him. Second, I wish him well. Third, metal illness is illness and shouldn’t be treated any different than McConnell’s concussion. Fourth, if you post negative things about him on this board, you’ll generally get lambasted so don’t expect a lot of people to give different opinions.


screwycurves t1_j1lxpgv wrote

OK. It’s a video explaining exactly what I’ve been talking about. That is, that why were are a nation of independence, in the energy crisis, we learned that we had to conserve, not just for ourselves but for our nations. If you don’t remember this, I’m sorry, but it was a part of the national ethos.


screwycurves t1_j1lw36x wrote

Don’t you remember the constant message of the oil crisis? I got it at school, in public service announcements during Giligan’s Island, constantly streaming from new programs and political leaders. Maybe you just don’t remember, but that’s what was going on. No one message about conserving on one night…It was always and everywhere.


screwycurves t1_j1lt7pr wrote

Your indignation is unjustified. Your grandparents ate Spam for Christmas. Not because they couldn’t afford something better, but for the good of a cause bigger than them.

As a child in the 70s, my family and whole neighborhood turned Christmas lights off at 8 pm to save power. Every time we turned a light off, we saved resources and money for everyone.

Turn off the lights, light some candles, send the kids to bed, and light a fire if you have a place to do so. If you turn the thermostat down 2-deg, you can cuddle more with your Christmas elf in your new Christmas pjs.

It is only one day. The day we are told is a season of giving. So give a bit and feel the joy to the world.


screwycurves t1_j15qpsb wrote

Don’t plan on finding great Mexican food. But Italian is excellent. The mountains aren’t mountains by your measure, but you can still do stuff. It will be hot an humid in the some. Dark and cold in the winter. Of course, depending on where in Cali, it might not be too cold for you, but the houses aren’t made for the cold in my experience. The closest ocean is either New Jersey or Maryland. Just don’t. It isn’t like California. I mean. Go ahead, but don’t expect it to be SoCal beaches. The autumn are incredible. Soak them in and invite your fam and friends to come see you in late October. The people are rude (or they’ll seem that way) but if you get past their direct way of acting, they are actually more polite that a lot of Californians. (I’m talking Philly area with this one.) The people are actually quite great, but you will need to learn their habits. Enjoy the new way of relating.

Good luck.