
se7en41 t1_iy6n9sk wrote

I was actually rescued by a fishing boat in Puerto PeƱasco about a decade ago. My cousin and I had tipped a jet ski, and we didn't realize that the tide had started washing us out.

45 minutes later, we looked up and were almost a mile out. The last fishing boat of the weekend finally stopped, and he told us that all the other boats thought we were just playing around.

It was the last boat. I haven't been on a jet ski in the ocean since.


se7en41 t1_itp4o9a wrote

I would also add that their culture is so ingrained, so ancient, that they have a rare form of "generational wealth" most people can't see.

They're not "high ranking people" because of some weird cult, they're high ranking because they're the 19th person in a row that inherited (and had to learn how to manage) the family wealth.

There's nothing wrong with that, except for all the bitchy whiny "pre-millionaires" that think their piece of the pie is being stolen by a rabbi down the street. It's disgusting. How about you learn to manage your own wealth so your great grandkids can own shit too?

Edit: I can see where I sort of made generalizations, and that's not cool, that's my bad. I am referencing the Jewish communities I've encountered that represent high ranking lifestyles. Of course not every Jewish person is rich. I just feel that their culture inspires more generational thinking instead of the typical American "I got mine, you fuck off" mentality.