She’s onto something though because I’ll have some random shit like shrek go through my mind, not speak a word about it, no type a word about it, just have a thought, and it’ll be shoved in my face later that day by some streaming service or website. Shits freaky
seanrbrantley t1_jdr6yme wrote
Reply to The professor trying to protect our private thoughts from technology. Prof Nita Farahany argues in her new book, The Battle for Your Brain, that intrusions into the mind are so close that lawmakers should enact protections by HorrorCharacter5127
She’s onto something though because I’ll have some random shit like shrek go through my mind, not speak a word about it, no type a word about it, just have a thought, and it’ll be shoved in my face later that day by some streaming service or website. Shits freaky