seanwalter123 t1_j1sg98p wrote
Reply to comment by lorlorlor666 in Failed meme but NH placement is precious by WoobieBee
That’s no surprise to any of us.
seanwalter123 t1_j1sg28z wrote
Reply to comment by RisksRewardsRelics in Failed meme but NH placement is precious by WoobieBee
They also have more gun restrictions then NH and ME.
seanwalter123 t1_j1omgm2 wrote
Pellet stove is a pretty heft thing to throw in the dumpster lol idk how you’d even go about getting one out
seanwalter123 t1_j0lv03w wrote
Reply to Are the people in Pittsfield friendly? by [deleted]
No, they’re normally on heroin.
seanwalter123 t1_izgzuae wrote
Reply to Residents ‘Horrified’ Over Proposed Solar Farm Near Waltham/Lexington Line by ak47workaccnt
NoT nEaR mY hOuSe. Just more super reliable and consistent green bs.
seanwalter123 t1_ixiui8k wrote
Reply to comment by 3720-To-One in Here’s Gov. Baker’s plan for dealing with the influx of migrants to Mass. by bostondotcom
I’m just confused when a state and the majority of towns have democrats running but somehow it’s “conservatives” fault for zoning laws? Conservatives don’t have a say in the governing body of this state anywhere. Clearly you want to blame republicans for faults not of their making which I get but they don’t even exist here. You’re blaming a group of people that are 100% irreverent to decision making in Massachusetts.
seanwalter123 t1_ixiqqp8 wrote
Reply to comment by 3720-To-One in Here’s Gov. Baker’s plan for dealing with the influx of migrants to Mass. by bostondotcom
Complaining about conservatism in the bluest state in the country right now.. makes sense.
seanwalter123 t1_ix906f9 wrote
Reply to comment by Queasy_Turnover in Mental health options in NH? by Capable_Commission83
Sounds like you need to go outside
seanwalter123 t1_ix0j0mw wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Just Great... by chickadeedadee2185
“Right wing extremest” is that the only people who are worried about privacy concerns? If that’s the case sign me up.
seanwalter123 t1_ix0idyn wrote
Reply to Mental health options in NH? by Capable_Commission83
NH is home to some of the best outdoors in the country, you’ll be amazed at what a weekend by yourself out there will give you.
seanwalter123 t1_iwm4yfm wrote
Didn’t MA vote to make eggs more expensive?
seanwalter123 t1_iw5gu1q wrote
Reply to What’s more important to you as a voter, your candidate(s) winning in state or federal level elections? Why? by Regulator275
State by far. If Covid didn’t teach people this nothing will. Some states you were locked inside of your house, others you were free to do as you please, vaccine passports etc.
seanwalter123 t1_ivyatms wrote
Reply to comment by TestingForTwitter in Transgender model wins local 'Miss America' pageant for the first time ever by uzernaimed
“Won” by having their hands tied and their tongues ripped out. If you consider that winning you’re sick. Only thing it won was biggest dick and waste size in the comp.
seanwalter123 t1_ivxtkf2 wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Birthday749 in Transgender model wins local 'Miss America' pageant for the first time ever by uzernaimed
There is no long term data supporting that , A violence against transgenderism was prominent, and a reason for the lack of it existing. B the reason you must accept it is because they’ll commit suicide like they used to. You’re 👌 especially the actual intersex stuff is spot on and something that needs further evaluation and unfortunately I believe the evidence with this current gen z age group proves it that this is just group think, seeking to be different/ special treatment.
seanwalter123 t1_ivxshvj wrote
Reply to comment by cocacola-enema in Transgender model wins local 'Miss America' pageant for the first time ever by uzernaimed
Age is social construct. I’m not a twiggered baby, I’m now a transracial transsexual 22 year old. GIVE ME SPECIAL TREATMENT NOW!
seanwalter123 t1_ivxs4tx wrote
Reply to comment by TestingForTwitter in Transgender model wins local 'Miss America' pageant for the first time ever by uzernaimed
“Outdated” based on what? Just because you believe something is archaic doesn’t make it archaic. When the majority of the country believes this “outdated” ideas they’re in fact, not outdated . This is the alternate reality people who but into this trash are in. Just because you believe something doesn’t make it true, just like this thing being a woman, that is for sure a fat male that has zero business winning anything, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
seanwalter123 t1_ivxrra9 wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Birthday749 in Transgender model wins local 'Miss America' pageant for the first time ever by uzernaimed
Do you have a single piece of data to support your unsafe claim and reasoning? I have yet to find one. When did letting your kids just take the wheel and make horrible decisions become the norm? That’s the total opposite of what parenting is supposed to be, you’re supposed to be the guide. The red hair thing is a good example but doesn’t explain the phenomenon of gen z. I would agree with you the box we expect woman to live by should be expanded, you’re indeed a woman, even if you’re not super feminine lol nothing wrong with being a “tomboy”. I’d say they’re definitely is something wrong with getting an automatic win in a pageant because you wanted special treatment, then getting that special treatment and forcing everyone to go along with it or get lynched in the streets for it by once again a small but loud minority. This is as bad as shit that happens in china, go to a corporate job and say you don’t agree with this and they’ll fire you on the spot, this isn’t normal, and the fact people who don’t want to play this game are either having their tongues ripped out or being forced to say things they don’t agree with is sickening.
seanwalter123 t1_ivwl8h3 wrote
Reply to comment by kikrs999 in Transgender model wins local 'Miss America' pageant for the first time ever by uzernaimed
If we’re living in your reality everything is a social construct, we’re not going off of the previous 300,000 years, we’re just going off of the past decade. Gender has been attached to sex since the beginning of time, but somehow since people want to feel special and get special treatment/attention we’re going to change the way things have been done since humans were drawing in caves. If this is so normal and healthy why the massive age gap? If it’s not an ideology that is mostly formed in gen Z shouldn’t every age group have a similar percentage of “trans”? there’s so many holes in this bs you must see it.
seanwalter123 t1_ivwjhk7 wrote
Reply to comment by Consistent-Winter-67 in Transgender model wins local 'Miss America' pageant for the first time ever by uzernaimed
You’re a cultist who lives in an alternate reality, who thinks somehow believing you’re a different gender should put you on some sort of high ground over people who are actually said gender. This MAN has no business in a “miss” America pageant. Just because it believes it’s now a woman doesn’t make it a women. Just because you want to accept it as a women doesn’t make it a women. It’s a man thinking they’re a woman, two totally different things. One is gender, one is a mental illness.
seanwalter123 t1_ivwi7f7 wrote
Fucking sickening how this is being portrayed as normal and healthy. It’s not. We’re now living in 2 different realities, the reality that you want, and actual reality. A man is not a woman, a woman is not a man. This coercion that if you speak out about this you’re a pos needs to stop. This puts actual females who are competing in this in a spot where they can’t complain or else the mob will attack them, even when they have every right to. That man isn’t even close to pageant worthy, but to appease a small group of loud individuals it was picked out of a pool of substantially better candidates. This is turning into a epidemic at this point, where the people who partake in this bs do it so they get a sense of feeling special because everyone panders to it, 80% do it out of fear of losing their jobs, 20% actually believe this cult. Western culture is turning into nothing but a clown show at this point.
seanwalter123 t1_ivrbuup wrote
Reply to comment by Omelettedufromage14 in Why has NH gone more to left theses days? by BoringAccountName78
No one of taking about those races which are arguably more important lol
seanwalter123 t1_ivo9c2u wrote
Reply to comment by RickyDaytonaJr in Why has NH gone more to left theses days? by BoringAccountName78
Also one doesn’t even have to do with the other. I was wrong in my assumption but I thought this about trump years ago…
seanwalter123 t1_ivo90nz wrote
Reply to comment by RickyDaytonaJr in Why has NH gone more to left theses days? by BoringAccountName78
I thought that, mostly because people are broke. But apparently hating trump supersedes that.
seanwalter123 t1_ivo834c wrote
I’m die hard red, but I think trump had a major play in these elections and not in a good way. Everyone is over the guy, including this guy. He’s a bombastic egotistical half there nut who is incapable of reading the room anywhere. He endorsed candidates in states he had no business doing so. The guy can barely speak better than Biden. This party needs to move on from him, he has a insane following by 60% of the party all for “owning the libs” but his track record is half the reason we have sky high inflation right now. There’s much better republicans candidates that didn’t win their primaries, that would’ve had a much better shot at winning the mid terms.
seanwalter123 t1_j24qpdl wrote
Reply to How do you convince someone who utilizes NH's cold weather recreational activities (ice fishing, snowmobiling, skiing, etc.) to become more concerned about the shifting climate? by rabblebowser
Are you riding your bike to work and not heating your home?