
secretactorian t1_ja93smu wrote

Yes, and it is unlikely that what you are 8 hrs prior is making it's way out of you. After the small intestine is the large intestine, and then you can poop it out. Gut motility varies from person to person, and "normal" can be anywhere from 16 hrs - 2 days to get through your system.

Curious how long yours is? Eat corn and see when it passes. Or eat a bunch of beets and wait till you see purpleish-red poop!


secretactorian t1_j0ih1cd wrote

Perhaps I misread, but I'm also encouraging using the right terminology. It's important, because otherwise people insist on antibiotics, they get over prescribed, and then resistance develops. I'm sure you already know this.

A viral infection can facilitate a secondary bacterial infection, and you can have concurrent infections. But saying a viral infection turned into a bacterial one can be problematic when we're trying to get the public to understand science and take care of themselves appropriately.


secretactorian t1_iz5fais wrote

Really?? Lmao, fuck your condescension. You made a statement without anything to back it up. Which civic resources, specifically, are we going to run out of?

The MTA may be crying about lost revenue due to ridership being down, but the fact is that there are plenty of people coming in to the office at least one day a week and tourists are back en force. The city isn't dying or in danger of losing any sector or service. It's readjusting, if anything.


secretactorian t1_itmew95 wrote

If you're complaining because you're having a hard time dating in this city, then --

1.) Everyone has a difficult time dating here. There's a literal people buffet, it's an expensive city, and there are a lot of money-driven people here. It's New York. 2.) Dating apps have more men than women on there, so if that's your go-to, might be time to try something else to meet potential partners. 2.) If you smell shit everywhere, might be time to take a look at your own shoes. Your posts describe yourself as an incel. Dunno what to tell you other than women are wisening up to shitty men and raising their standards, so you should probably do some work on yourself. No one owes you a date.


secretactorian t1_irpwqi4 wrote

I mean... Due to the pandemic, I'm never eating at a buffet again. People are gross. I don't trust them to not be absolutely unhygienic monsters. Don't want to be mean, but... That's what you get for going to a buffet.