
sexytokeburgerz t1_iu1u75i wrote

Interesting, I hadn’t considered that. I live in a major US city so there are quite a few brits (and australians) and I’ve seen them use it flawlessly and often. Maybe it’s because their accents are more West-Americanized.

Is this failure common in the UK?

As for query permanence, yeah, I have never used it past one line with success. It’s pretty much meant to be used like a search engine, I think.


sexytokeburgerz t1_itz1w0x wrote

This is almost always due to improper configuration- Siri needs you to say a few phrases in its settings to make a voice profile for you, and if these recordings have bad audio quality (wet phone, talking/music in background, too far away), it won’t work very well.

It also improves the more you use it.

If you have a really deep voice, this is a separate cause and you’d have to just talk higher in config and usage. If the fundamental frequency of your voice sits in the LF rolloff of the microphone filter, the processor will pick up the second or third harmonics of your voice which will SERIOUSLY fuck up formant detection. In layman’s terms, deep voices need some work with these things.


sexytokeburgerz t1_iro6n94 wrote

Don’t forget that dualistic thinking is a large factor towards the societal constructs that caused our pollution problem in the first place.

We aren’t “only” looking for beings that are as limited and greedy as we are just because we use pollution as a single qualifier. Things don’t have to be so black and white.