
sgnirtStrings t1_is85na2 wrote

I'm 4x original vax and 1 new bivalent vax. Never gotten it before. Also a sufferer of severe allergies and allergic rhinitis for >10 years. That's my random data point.

Random aside: I've been doing allergy shot immunotherapy for ~4 months and holy hell it works. My shallow research into a couple papers reveal a theory of how it might work: I'm simply exhausting the differentiated immune cells that I have for each specific allergen. And then after a certain length of time being consistently exposed, the cells start going "whoops I guess I give up, time to die". And that's possibly why allergic immunotherapy can cure people's allergies.

Just mentioning that because I wish someone told me about the treatment 10 years ago! Used to take 1-2 antihistamines a day. Now I take none. (And I'm talking allergies to 40+ different pollens in the area).