
shidekigonomo t1_jd8kazu wrote

Dark Sky really was the best. While I wish the native iOS Weather app was much better (the way the radar/map is presented seems a decade behind where Dark Sky left off, for instance), I've also found that every other third-party app I've tried out has been even worse. Hopefully something new comes along that isn't immediately snapped up by a bigger company.


shidekigonomo t1_ja8pgp3 wrote

In the U.S., at least, associate's degrees tend to have a specific vocation as the goal of attaining the degree. In recent decades some schools (generally for-profits) have earned associate's degrees a bad reputation here, though I'm sure the usefulness of different associate's degrees varies from field to field. There are some jobs where an associate's is required for licensing or certification, and others it just looks good on a resume. Do a lot of research and talk to people in the field before pursuing an associate's is the advice I would give (and frankly applies to bachelor's and master's, too).