
shoziku t1_jadeceu wrote

The door may have been forced open further than usual, taking it out of adjustment. They normally have 2 adjustments. One is closing speed, and the other is the latch. Sometimes both are adjusted by the same screw, (hydraulic) where a quarter turn adjusts the latch and a full turn adjusts the speed.


shoziku t1_j0prx3i wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Fix running toilet? by [deleted]

Reach in there and lift the float manually. If the water does not shut off then the fill valve is bad. If it does shut off when you lift it then it's just a matter of adjusting it.


shoziku t1_it9h2we wrote

Here's a ghetto method: run it tight along the long wall and put a brick on each end to keep it tight.

Or, get a needle and thread, loop it around the ethernet and sew it with a couple threads to the carpet to keep it from moving. Easily removable and no marks are left. (nevermind if there's no carpet)


shoziku t1_iskpsm9 wrote

Put a thick screwdriver or metal bar under the door (on the latch side) and attempt to close the door on it. Lift up on the bar as you do it. Each time you force it will raise it up slightly. Basically prying the latch side up. Use sudden movements, not slow and gentle.

It's either that or lower the strike plate.


shoziku t1_isfju48 wrote

Sometimes they don't bury the cable right away. Usually due to winter conditions where the ground is frozen. Also, the techs can do hookups but burying the cable is manual labor so they would refer it to lower paid workers at a later date. But it's good you became a squeaky wheel because sometimes they don't follow up with the burial.