
shyjenny t1_jdpi9ea wrote

I'm doubtful Home Despot does much QA on native plants
They sold Purple loostrife in my local area for years knowing it was invasive

And I won't buy from them knowing how the corporation predominately donates money to the Republican party
Sorry / not really to bring up society and "politics"


shyjenny t1_jdk2w3k wrote

Speaker Mariano has been serving Quincy, Weymouth and Holbrook for over 30 years and has mostly run unopposed

He's not on my ballot, and he sounds like a blow-valve, but I voted for Auditor DiZoglio and want her to do her job and earn her paycheck. I also want my representatives to be transparent so I will ask mine to work on complying with the audit


shyjenny t1_iybu7jr wrote

If the wedding is on a popular weekend it can be pricey
this sub is not going to do any better than searching Expedia, TripAdvisor or Google for room rates for specific dates, and a wedding block might just give you the best rate available

Consider that locations that aren't the venue mean that they need time or transportation to get there

Look at the trade off of navigating the subway, walking, or calling Lyft, or renting a car & parking just for a cheaper room rate


shyjenny t1_iuit2fy wrote

Visited a different city recently - they had a vertical bike rack in their trains an buses that held the bike up to minimize the space they might take up and prevent them from moving around
in the space of maybe 1 - 1.5 seats?
We should have the same