
simmmmmmer t1_isq0nam wrote

The government of India has made some pretty sucessfull large scale initiatives in the past that have attributed to this. Micro-Loans, Electrical and plumbing subsidies to increase quality of living, household appliance subsisides, Food Subsidies (during covid indian government was giving free rations to literally hundereds of millions of people). They had an initative where they were providing LPG based furnaces to households to get people off coal cooking, many millions of people benifited from this. I remember an initaitve when I was younger wehr people were going from house to house installing free water filtration systems in peoples homes. Stuff like this increases the statistical outcome of a familial unit making it out of poverty. Little by little, by adopting a multi-faceted approach to qol imporvments, the Indian Government is attempting to reduce poverty. People are mentioning boom in the service industry but I would argue that kind of growth grows the middle class but does not bring many people into the middle class unlike the these large scale government initatives that have shown great sucess. However I would also say that becuase of the tax generation from these companies comming to india, the indian government is able to spend a lot more on initatives, so it does help, just not in the way people think. These initatives have been a target of corruption but that seems to be going down as time progresses and digital infatrcture gets adopted across indian societal sectors.