I rather have them at the hotels that roaming on the streets. I remember seeing on Univision (local Hispanic channel) that most of these people will have a 5 year wait before a judge hears their case to decide if they have a legitimate asylum case. A lot of them are becoming desperate with the situation. I wouldn’t be surprised if they begin to fly back to their country of origin a lot of them did after waiting few months/years in Mexico border towns waiting for their case.
simplezodiac t1_jdolrr7 wrote
Reply to How Manhattan Hotels Became Refuges for Thousands of Migrants by Aggravating-Bridge-5
I rather have them at the hotels that roaming on the streets. I remember seeing on Univision (local Hispanic channel) that most of these people will have a 5 year wait before a judge hears their case to decide if they have a legitimate asylum case. A lot of them are becoming desperate with the situation. I wouldn’t be surprised if they begin to fly back to their country of origin a lot of them did after waiting few months/years in Mexico border towns waiting for their case.