Love and Hate are the SAME emotions - existing on the opposing scale of Polarity...
Blanket statements such as the one posted fall EXTREMELY SHORT of any TRUTHS and may in and of itself be extremely TOXIC in nature especially when presented to someone in a state of extreme vulnerability.
Sometimes the most powerful gesture anyone can gift another is making your presence known and gifting them with an opportunity to get whatever ailes them at that given moment in time out of their soul whilst remaining respectfully and responsibly SILENT
singlegayguymelb t1_it4x4dt wrote
Reply to [Image] "Toxic Positivity is Forced..." - Susan David by true90sstory
Love and Hate are the SAME emotions - existing on the opposing scale of Polarity...
Blanket statements such as the one posted fall EXTREMELY SHORT of any TRUTHS and may in and of itself be extremely TOXIC in nature especially when presented to someone in a state of extreme vulnerability.
Sometimes the most powerful gesture anyone can gift another is making your presence known and gifting them with an opportunity to get whatever ailes them at that given moment in time out of their soul whilst remaining respectfully and responsibly SILENT