skovall t1_j8yp4v3 wrote
Yeah that's what happens when too many danged tourist visit a place. Used to be a rainforest there and now...dang! (Great photo! Great use of lighting and shadows)
skovall t1_j60eulg wrote
Reply to doomsday clock real or fake? by Ludwik2006
I hope the politicians are paying attention to that and going "oh shit" we better do something.
I hope those are some very very VERY long seconds.
So much of my life is watching that damned clock hand go back and forth. Back dammit back! I want to be able to see ALL the Avatar films some day!
skovall t1_iy1teyf wrote
I hope he was never drafted.
skovall t1_ixzkbph wrote
Reply to comment by Urunghai in My parents taking a selfie in 1988 by Urunghai
Factory I worked in for 43 years closed almost 2 years ago. Health is so so and have tried to quit all the crap that can tear me down. I am more grateful than ever for the simple things I have in life. Remember your dad with love:-) My dad was a bully and sick -uck to me much of his life but I have forgiven him and smile when I remember his good or the cringe-worthy music he loved ;-) Thanks for the reply.
skovall t1_ixzit6f wrote
Reply to My parents taking a selfie in 1988 by Urunghai
They were probably a little younger than I at the time or now and damn like so much these days, makes me feel older ;-) I hope they are still alive, healthy and together.
skovall t1_jeezsvn wrote
Reply to The original Ronald McDonald 1963 by iosews
Oldschoolterrifying. How they lost sales. See this guy? He is waiting for you in your bedroom closet and wants to lure you in with a big mac and fries.