
slipperyMonkey07 t1_j6ky52v wrote

As the other poster said it will depend on what you liked about Downton. I would probably classify bridgerton more as light hearted rom com historical "fantasy / alt reality" while downton is squarely period drama. There are down moments in bridgerton but it never hits downton levels and is more aimed at the romance happily ever after type stuff.

After that I would say S1 and S2 if Bridgeton are different types of romance because of the characters they are focused on. Personally I prefer S2 the characters fit better together and it is more a rom com hate to love and them actually building a relationship. While S1 is clueless inexperienced virgin learning about sex. I haven't read the books but from friends who have it makes sense in that the season 2 characters are basically heads of the house and constant while the other characters slowly vanish as they get married off.

Either way not going to say it is the best tv by any means. But it is something a bit lighter, short and easily binge able when you need a break from the constant the world is on fire mess.


slipperyMonkey07 t1_ivlcfdr wrote

Yeah when I watched it was halfway decent, but a lot of altering history it felt like. I'd have to check the dates the show is supposed to be covering but in reality she was also almost immediately pregnant after her marriage.

Will be interesting what they touch on in season two. She may of been loved but boy is she a prime example of why therapy for body image issues is important.