
slothsupervisor t1_j0zqyoc wrote

I’ve also read that “which supports your statement in an obtuse way” that if we created a Time Machine at some point in the future the issue would be that the same as if traveling in space you would need to have coordinates essentially and the coordinates of time and space would not be accurately defined until the point in time the machine was created. You could pinpoint the exact position of the destination based on the time machine’s position therefore could return to THAT moment in time but would not accurately be capable of returning to a time before the machine was created.

Therefore all time travel could only be coordinated to the point in time after the creation of the machine. It would essentially be a waypoint in which any future time travelers could come back to but traveling farther backwards would maybe not be impossible but it would be nearly if not completely impossible.

I guess another way of looking at it is if/when time travel is created in the ideology of a quantum universe where there is a future generation which already would have this technology they have not been able to return to times beforehand and “correct” timelines to suite their own needs.

Maybe I am talking absolute nonsense but it makes sense to me.