
snailsshouldvote t1_itv7fhn wrote

By ethical I mean, within the spirit of the work or atleast transparent about the translators own biases. If your goal is to keep medieval Europeans subservient and illiterate, I question your ability to ethically translate the Bible.


snailsshouldvote t1_ittmh8n wrote

Don’t know why you’ve been downvoted. Technology is basically inherent to humanity if we can consider language to be technology (and I think there’s a strong case that we can)


snailsshouldvote t1_ittm346 wrote

As a younger man I wanted my poetry to be new and avant-garde. Now I just want to make something beautiful, and more often than not, I turn toward a time when the world was slower, and people took more care with their lives because their lives were harder and more precious in their difficulty. I try not to get pastoral or fantasize about an idealized past, but there’s no denying that things built with care are the only things which last.

In a modernity defined by consumption, “conservatism” can be anti-capitalist.

Note: there’s a reason that pastoralism is at the heart of most fascism—because it’s enchanting. If you really want to understand the link between nazi rhetoric and Heidegger, you should read Hölderlin.