
soaklord t1_j8sflx6 wrote

Electrolytes? Yes. Sugars? No. You are better off drinking pickle juice than any "electrolyte" drink. Gatorade, PowerAde, etc. are all full of free sugars. On both of my century rides (100 mile rides) I drank electrolytes in water and ate salty foods (ham and cheese). I did not need sugars to complete either of them.


soaklord t1_is1f1wy wrote

Joined in the last couple of weeks. Been talking about and reading about the singularity for years, just never thought to check Reddit for a sub. (I know, my bad). As for optimism... naturally a cynic and convinced that any given revolutionary tech takes far, far longer to implement and become commonplace than any scientist/writer/prognosticator can possibly account for on a regular basis. Source: See self-driving cars, flying cars, fusion energy. I am hopeful though that at least the last one will happen in my lifetime.