
squareswordfish t1_j9uac5e wrote

I think he’s trying to say that they should give up on all the Face ID tech and just make a dot cutout and have the shitty face unlock that Androids have and that he thinks they work basically the same except for the fact that Face ID works in the dark? Which is funny coming from someone calling other people ridiculous


squareswordfish t1_j5wzza7 wrote

With “people” do you mean a small subset of the population that is particularly prone to voicing their thoughts and frequents the same spaces as you?

Because most people don’t care about any of that.


squareswordfish t1_iyaiqei wrote

It worked pretty well for me until a few months ago (maybe when I updated to iOS 16?). Always mostly understood me even though I’m not a native English speaker and it was always able to do the simple things I asked for (for example, setting timers, turning off alarms, calling someone, opening apps, etc).

Now, the experience is much worse for some reason and weirdly I don’t see other people talk about my problem specifically. I always see complaints about it not understanding requests, not being able to do simple stuff, etc but for me it just straight up ignores me lol.

It appears as soon as I say “hey siri”; it understands my request very well and everything I said appears on the screen. Then, it shows the thinking animation with the spinning circles and after a moment it goes away without giving any answer. It’s so weird and it turned completely useless after this problem started appearing.


squareswordfish t1_iwo9xcs wrote

Ah I see, the gamepad probably doesn’t have much customizability! I’m the opposite, I have mostly razer stuff and the only Corsair thing I have is a set of fans, so maybe I didn’t see everything there is to their RGB stuff. I do think Synapse is very good when it comes to customizing peripherals like mice and keyboards


squareswordfish t1_iwjdaco wrote

Completely agree with that point! That’s something that also bothers me. But to be fair that’s an issue with the product itself, not the software.

The mice aren’t forgetting your settings because Synapse is bad, they’re forgetting them because Razer didn’t bother putting on-board memory in them to remember the settings.


squareswordfish t1_iugxok4 wrote

Like someone else said, you should give more detail otherwise people will likely just say “go for the iPhone” since it’s an iPhone sub

What do you need from the phone? What attracts you on each phone you named? Which mobile operating systems do you have experience with? Any preference with the OS? Any cons about each phone that make you hesitant on picking it?

That kind of stuff