
sr20rocket t1_iuc6mgb wrote

The longest character in Morse code (which includes numbers and punctuation) is only 6 "characters" Long. For example 5 dots in a row is the number 5. 5 dashes in a row is the number zero.

Punctuation is typically 6 "characters" of dots/dashes. For example ? = . . - - . . But there is no official Punctuation for 6 dots in a row or 6 dashes in a row.

A mistake is typically indicated by a series of 6 or more dots in a row.

"Shorthand" in code is huge and can greatly increase word count and comprehension with practice. Think of it like all the acronyms that people use while texting sometimes. Same thing happens in Morse code. For example DE in code means "this is" as in introducing or announcing who you are. WX = weather. HIHI is laughter because it rhythmically sounds like it. 88=XOXO (hugs and kisses). 73=thanks for the chat.


sr20rocket t1_iuc5if1 wrote

Theoretically it's even more than that. As several people have explained the timing of the [space] is important as well.

So there is [On Short] for dot, [Off Short] for spacing within a character, [On Long] for dash, [Off Long] for spacing between characters, and lastly [Off extra long] for spacing between words.