sreek4r t1_j6ivdpq wrote
Reply to comment by Luffewaffle in My mom has my baby teeth saved by Luffewaffle
Probably whiskers? It's strange but understandable. A lot of people do it.
sreek4r t1_j48ib0e wrote
I don't buy this. Not one Indian city on the list? Have you seen our country? :P
sreek4r t1_j3xk7a7 wrote
Reply to comment by Orkekum in We surveyed 1k people on the Metaverse and discovered that almost nobody (1.5%) cares about Meta's Horizon World by matthevva
I bet a lot of them are just Meta employees running tests.
sreek4r t1_j14z2nz wrote
Reply to Give your dog a medieval name by ReadPoopFiction
'Pusse'... Yeah, no.
"Pusse, come here girl."
sreek4r t1_iyuhdjq wrote
I bet there's an urban legend about the place being haunted.
sreek4r t1_ix58kp3 wrote
Reply to comment by AsusTec in PsBattle: A newly discovered deep-water Walking Batfish by big_papa_geek
It would certainly explain the look on the poor guy's face.
sreek4r t1_ix3ijgu wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: A newly discovered deep-water Walking Batfish by big_papa_geek
Put him back. He's adorable.
sreek4r t1_iufd0jw wrote
Damn. I knew I was doing something wrong.
sreek4r t1_j7tftbo wrote
Reply to Lost Dog Finds Her Way to Former Shelter and Rings Doorbell for Help by epsilona01
I’d adopt her right away. What a smart girl.