
sspif t1_j28ml1l wrote

> The Legislature – the 186 individuals we have sent to Augusta to do a job – is powerless to amend the language written by the advocates.

This is blatantly untrue, as demonstrated by the legalization of recreational cannabis. The legislature treated the referendum as a mere suggestion, and crafted their own laws around the issue from scratch. In theory, BDN may be correct, but precedent tells us they are not.

> Employees would explicitly have the right to strike and the government entity would not be able to hire new long-term employees during a strike. Can you imagine if there was a strike ongoing last week during the windstorm? And no new crews could join the company?

Great to know that BDN is against collective bargaining and in favor of scabbing.

Why is it that all of our local news media is aligned against the working class? I’m sick of hearing only the business-owner side of every issue.

I understand that democracy, as practiced best in Maine through our remarkable citizens initiative process, can often be inconvenient for an entrenched class of economic elites. Let us all tilt our ear so that we may hear the lament of the world’s smallest violin.


sspif t1_j23j0ux wrote

Yes, definitely, but it’s weird here because our towns are just so extremely small.

Where I grew up in Maine, there were 12 kids in my school class. Three of them were ridiculously wealthy. Palatial homes on the lake. Got their own airplanes for birthday presents as soon as they were old enough to fly (you could get a pilot’s license at 14 at the time, younger than a driver’s license). Another 6 kids were dirt poor. The rest were kids whose parents taught at the school- pretty much the only middle class in town.

As you can imagine, this is crazy wealth inequality. Weird as hell. And yet, there were so few of us that class didn’t have much to do with who your friends were as kids. If you wanted to have friends at all, you had to look past it. There was only one school for all of us.

In adult life, that changed though. The rich kids ran off to be airline pilots or whatever, never to be seen again for the most part. The poor kids either stayed where they were and got blue collar jobs, or got priced out of their homes and moved to the nearest affordable town and got blue collar jobs, but more or less stayed there and retained some semblance of community.


sspif t1_j1ytbo0 wrote

I’ve never hunted them specifically so can’t give you much advice on hares. You can look up laws on the DIF&W website or get them to send you a law book.

You can legally hunt on any land that isn’t specifically posted no hunting, so no worries there. It’s polite, but not required, to ask permission if the area you want to hunt is somebody’s backyard.

I imagine hunting hares in the winter is probably all about looking for their tracks in the snow. I know that people who manage their land for hares leave big piles of brush here and there for them to bed down in, so maybe look for brush piles. Other than that, no idea.