
t1_izgyxz7 wrote

this was a vote to pass it on an emergency basis which requires a 2/3 vote to pass. it will come back in January when it will pass on a majority basis which will then take a certain amount of time to go into effect (30 days?).

The R senators delayed the inevitable for 2 or so months because they're betting that they can grandstand on some small provisions of the bill to score political points.

I think it is a bad bet on their part; it makes them look petty to me. But what do I know?


t1_izgfdu7 wrote

everybody knows how the vote is going to turn out before the votes are actually cast. If the Ds thought that there was any chance that they could have carried the Senate, Mills herself would have driven down to Portland to drag Ben up to Augusta for the vote.


t1_iycmnqk wrote

the chart conflicts with the text of the article. it shows Maine at 72% use while the text says 109%.

also the chart indicates that we have 85 pediatric beds statewide. seems low on a per Capita basis but I have no point of reference for what is considered appropriate.