
starsandcamoflague t1_j0fwvf5 wrote

That is a very sad way to think and live.

The universe isn’t empty and dead and barren.

It sounds like you’re dealing with fear at the vastness of space and our place in it, and you’re dealing with that by choosing to believe that humans, and therefore you, are in control and dominant and superior. That way actually, we’re not insignificant in this universe that you don’t understand, we’re actually the owners of it!

Which by the way, no one owns the universe. Not everything needs an owner.


starsandcamoflague t1_j0fv5ip wrote

I didn’t say you want glory, I said the thinking behind this idea is based on a need to be superior and dominant. You said it multiple times, that you think humans and dominant and superior and therefore the universe belongs to humans.

That isn’t true. Thinking that way is misguided and has resulted in many bad things happening. It is how horrific things are justified “in the name of science and progress”

If someone is dominant and superior, then someone else needs to be submissive and inferior. Therefore they can be treated badly and it doesn’t matter.

In your idea, mars is inferior. Anything that you don’t think is sentient enough is inferior. All these things without considering why it is there, what important role it is playing in keeping an ecosystem healthy.


starsandcamoflague t1_j0ftzdk wrote

Just because something doesn’t have “life” doesn’t mean it’s not important.

Mars is there for a reason, it will have an important role in the stability of our solar system.

Plus, we don’t really know what’s on mars, and there has been tons of UFO files released.

Just because you personally do not know something, doesn’t mean there is nothing there. Things outside of your knowledge do exist, so just because you don’t value something doesn’t mean it has no value.

You may not value a pile of rocks, but I guarantee you that pile of rocks has value.

Your superiority is not the point of the universe.


starsandcamoflague t1_j0ft6of wrote

It is not dominance we need, but cooperation and community. We don’t need more than one planet. What we need is to work together to protect the earth from literally dying due to mankind’s need to be superior.

The dominance and superiority kind of thinking leads to thinks like eugenics and other “the Nazis were right actually” kind of shit.

Mars belongs to mars, no one or nothing else. It is not our right to destroy it just because we can.

The way you think is exactly how we got to the point we’re at. It is exactly the kind of thinking that made people rationalise slavery: “well we’re white so we’re superior beings, and these non white people are clearly animals, and therefore they are below us and mistreating them doesn’t matter.”

You can make your ideas as well written as you want, but ultimately all they come back to is an insecure need for superiority and to be the smartest person in the room, without caring who gets hurt along the way.


starsandcamoflague t1_j0fsepo wrote

Or we could just leave them alone. Just because something exists doesn’t mean we need to destroy it for a momentary gain, that’s how we got to this point with the earth.

The solution to one dying planet is not to intentionally destroy another one.

Why not focus on making our own planet a better place to live?

Mars isn’t ours, it doesn’t belong to us. We already have our own planet.

Besides which, we don’t know what effect destroying another planet will have on our solar system.