
sticksnsnails t1_jdyfp5j wrote

My partner lived above him for about 6-9 months. His girlfriend (much younger) was pregnant and constantly at my partner’s throat for making any noise. He eventually moved out. It was a little scary bc he had guns & made lots of threats


sticksnsnails t1_jaxtdxf wrote

Providence can feel very black and white. Anything on the east side within a 20 min walk of brown is basically extended college housing lol, and it very rapidly stops feeling like a city. When I visit my friends in Boston, I’m always surprised how habitable city blocks (that have food, bars, etc. And aren’t just super tall office buildings) seem to go on for forever, where everything feels contained and small here. I personally like it, but it might not be what you’re looking for. The transit is only by bus, and can be annoying at times - the buses can run really late as the day goes on. Pawtucket is 1000% too far to still feel like you’re living in the city - I’m halfway between Pawtucket and downtown and it feels like urban ish suburbs, haha


sticksnsnails t1_j3y4nat wrote

RI energy took over national grid the past 6 months I believe? My partner was calling them and they’re switching everything over to RI energy. I think it’s bc national grid is not handling it anymore? Not sure


sticksnsnails t1_j20y2rj wrote

Reply to Job offer by monraxx

600 a month is not bad for rent, that’s about what you would get elsewhere in providence.
