stlfiremaz t1_jdplawm wrote
Reply to Incision in my arm that doctors left open for 2 weeks after a surgery. by soapboxingdaychamp
It's called a fasciotomy. To release pressure and prevent the loss of circulation.
stlfiremaz t1_j5r3nv6 wrote
Yeah, Everyone on Long Island is a suspect.
stlfiremaz t1_j5pqmj1 wrote
New Jersey ?
stlfiremaz t1_j1ng3f8 wrote
Reply to Landlord issues-help by megrath7
My guess is that you are paying for his power.
stlfiremaz t1_izlp3n2 wrote
Reply to Tourists and 9/11 Memorial by Vast_Night6626
I lost 343 of my brothers that day. The time I went to the memorial, I spoke to a security guard, who had lost his father who was a NYPD officer on 9-11-2001. He told me that visitors have tried to setup blankets and have a picnic at the memorial.
stlfiremaz t1_iwlh3bm wrote
Reply to Psychopathic tendencies are associated with an elevated interest in fire, study finds by chrisdh79
As a certified arson investigator I find that interesting.
stlfiremaz t1_je827qv wrote
Reply to My mom wants a “Viking Funeral” here in Maine. How can I set that up? by Mildly_maria
A wooden row boat 5 gallons of gasoline A few bow hunting friends