
subtxtcan t1_j5pd1ze wrote

Architects have been on fire since All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us, Alexisonfire is back, James Blake is making some waves, St. Paul and the Broken City is blowing up soul, Bonobo has put out some truly great works (Migration is my first recommendation).

A LOT has happened my friend.... Good luck!


subtxtcan t1_j5ki7cw wrote

I was absolutely thinking this. I play some ttrpgs with friends and I honestly think you could build SO many great storylines out of this. There is almost nothing I can think of that you wouldn't be able to weave into the history of the place...


subtxtcan t1_j1qcu0l wrote

Absolutely love this. Working in kitchens you get exposed to a LOT of different music, so I count myself fortunate. Finding new artists is always a great feeling!

I make an active point of digging for music sometimes so I am kind of stuck in my own feedback loop, but we're always sharing songs and artists because you really never know


subtxtcan t1_j1qbaxh wrote

PM I do like actually, a lot of my old coworkers put on rap, hiphop, grime, so I do run into a lot of really great artists. Some of my new coworkers are way younger and their choices are... Questionable to me. I had somebody lose their mind that I hadn't heard of some guy named after a boat, or another whose name was mostly symbols instead of letters.

For reference I'm from a punk/metal background, spun DNB/dub/garage records for a few years and have a deep appreciation for blues/jazz/soul, so I'm not one to dismiss music easily. Heck, I'll take a T Swift day when my fry cook is in the mood


subtxtcan t1_j1q92dq wrote

Ding ding ding!

We have a saying in a Whisky group I'm a part of: "The best whisky is the whisky you like to drink, the way you like to drink it". Jack and Coke on the rocks? Go for it. Pappy 25 neat? Suuuuure.

These are all subjective things. There really is no "right" answer at all.

Btw good call on Chop Suey. I got a little bit of both, the drug addiction, the chaos, and I also found a sense of loneliness buried deeeep down in there too


subtxtcan t1_j1q7kjf wrote

I've had this happen before and believe me, there's a simple answer. Growing up.

Let's use Hurt as an example. Trent Reznor (said artist) has essentially passed on spiritual ownership of the song to Johnny Cash after his cover, and there's a lot of argument as to why, but all he said was "It's his now."

I only really came to this realization a couple years ago but the two artists, doing the exact same song, are kind of a perfect example of this.

NIN did a song about pain, suffering, hating yourself or those around you, depression.

JC did it as a retrospective on his life, his legacy, as a hope that even though he's reached the end of his life, suffered in ways others have, haven't, or never wished to.

They're both sad, they're both the exact same song, but NIN is the waiting, and JC is the retrospective many years later.

IMO of course