There are three main types of healthcare coverage.
The simpler one is the “out of pocket” model (think USA), in this system you get what you pay for. In nations where this type of model is used people usually can’t afford to get private health insurances and there is no universal healthcare.
The second one, Bismarck Model, originated in Germany in 1883, healthcare was seen as an universal right, but the coverage wasn’t universal, since it was based on employment and subsequent taxation (later laws and regulations were made for those who couldn’t work, for example people affected by disabilities). The third one, and the one considered truly universal, is the Beveridge Model, installed in the UK in 1948, and in which universal coverage is provided by the government, this coverage comes from income tax payments, but every citizen receives it, regardless of employment status.
(This is just a résumé, but the main points are there)
supercalifragiwhat t1_je8jyk1 wrote
Reply to ELI5: What is Universal Healthcare by Thegreatcornholio459
There are three main types of healthcare coverage. The simpler one is the “out of pocket” model (think USA), in this system you get what you pay for. In nations where this type of model is used people usually can’t afford to get private health insurances and there is no universal healthcare. The second one, Bismarck Model, originated in Germany in 1883, healthcare was seen as an universal right, but the coverage wasn’t universal, since it was based on employment and subsequent taxation (later laws and regulations were made for those who couldn’t work, for example people affected by disabilities). The third one, and the one considered truly universal, is the Beveridge Model, installed in the UK in 1948, and in which universal coverage is provided by the government, this coverage comes from income tax payments, but every citizen receives it, regardless of employment status. (This is just a résumé, but the main points are there)