
surprised_tree t1_j1ae3pm wrote

Reply to comment by emilytaege in [image] by _Cautious_Memory

This is good advice! Although, in my experience, the knowledge (which is "merely" mental, an intelectual construct) that I'll be glad for having done something (based on the memory of past experience), is sometimes not enough to push through the resistance and inertia (which is emotional and can be very overwhelming).

I have found that it is helpful to cultivate awareness. First of all, to recognize and honour what I am feeling, so that, if I end up procrastinating, I can do so consciously, as a "choice", and not beat myself over it. But I can also "distance" myself from the emotional reaction this way, having a better chance at navigating through that blockage, into doing the thing it'll feel great to have done. And more important, by being present, I can bring myself to enjoy the task at hand (the actual doing of it, as I do it, and not just the having done it, looking back), so as to discover a "type 1" kind of fun in what was so difficult to give myself to, to begin with.