My aunt and uncle did something similar for me and my cousins once we reached an old enough age that we just got money or a gift card but still young enough to actually get a gift. We all had a puzzle that we had to solve before we could get our gift. Usually it was a puzzle game/brain teaser type thing but the worst was one year my cousin had to piece together a letter that went through a paper shredder haha.
tacocattacocat8 t1_j1mor9p wrote
Reply to LPT: If you are hurting this year for money and you don't have a lot for your kids for Christmas/holidays, hide what the gifts you have, make a treasure hunt with clues and riddles, and stretch it out to give them a great experience. by pinheadbrigade
My aunt and uncle did something similar for me and my cousins once we reached an old enough age that we just got money or a gift card but still young enough to actually get a gift. We all had a puzzle that we had to solve before we could get our gift. Usually it was a puzzle game/brain teaser type thing but the worst was one year my cousin had to piece together a letter that went through a paper shredder haha.